I live on a farm ... — country living
An extraordinary find
art children country life country living culture dogs economy faith family farm farm life friends friendship health inspiration knitting Life love marriage pets photography Photos relationships snow spirituality thoughts
The hawk came calling
art cats country life country living dogs economy faith family farm life flowers friends friendship home inspiration kittens knitting Life love personal pets photography Photos snow spirituality thoughts
Happy Valentine's Day
art country life country living family friends friendship gifts Holidays home inspiration knitting Life love marriage personal photography relationships romance thoughts Valentine Valentine's Day
"Hope you are well ..."
blogging country life country living faith family friends gifts health Holidays inspiration knitting Life love marriage personal photography Photos relationships romance snow thoughts Valentine Valentine's Day
Not quite what you thought it would be
art children country living faith family inspiration knitting Life love marriage personal photography Photos relationships romance spirituality thoughts women writing
A few days ago I was watching something on television while my husband sat in his reclining chair reading the paper. There was a scene in the show featuring a middle aged man walking his dog along a street at night. The scene was illustrating the thoughts of married men in a typical suburban neighborhood, and for this scene the narrator said the man was thinking, "Oh crap, my dreams are never going to come true." It was a funny, unexpected line and it made both my husband and I laugh a little. We both knew that while it is...