I live on a farm ... — yarn
New life on the farm
agriculture art autumn colors blogging country living culture family farm farm life farming free knitting patterns gardening green health home inspiration knitting Lace Shawl Knitting Life love marriage personal photography relationships shopping thoughts travel Upstate New York women yarn
This summer was a very busy season around our farm. We are in the midst of converting our farmland from leased cash-crop acreage to pasture managed by us. That might sound simple enough but it requires cutting, mowing, fencing, draining, digging, and budgeting, planning, etc. and not necessarily in that order. We are hosting a small herd of Black Angus cattle and have so far fenced in 12 acres of land for grazing. Over the next few years we plan to expand the fenced in land to 40 acres and the herd to 40. So, that has been exciting. Now that we...
And this is where I speak to you from my heart, again
art blogging country life country living domestic violence faith family free knitting patterns hat patterns home inspiration knitting Lace Shawl Knitting Life love marriage personal photography relationships spirituality Thanksgiving Upstate New York women yarn
Snow. It has been falling steady all morning. I knit, and write, and I sip hot cocoa. This kind of cozy, relaxing morning is fulfilling to the soul. The world is very quiet on a snow day. Watching the steady flow of softly falling flakes can be mesmerizing, leading to deep thoughts and philosophical contemplations. At least, that is how it is for me. This morning the snow along with the and the contemplation that comes with knitting have worked together to lead my mind to you, dear reader. I have known many of my readers for a little more...
Lace shawl knitting patterns and peach pie
farm life food health inspiration knitting lace knitting Lace Shawl Knitting Life love photography travel women yarn
That's what I've been up to lately. I have designed seven knitted shawl patterns, published five of them (see photos of all,of the shawls at the bottom of this blog) and put up five peach pies in the freezer. Okay, I have been doing plenty more than just this but these are highlights. Living here in small farm and orchard country in Upstate New York is an amazing blessing during harvest season in particular. Everywhere you turn there is a farm stand, farm market or green thumbed neighbor brimming over with fresh berries, fruits, and vegetables beginning in June and...
Should I be having this much fun with yarn?
art country life jlfleckenstein knitting knitting patterns lace lace shawl lace shawl design Life love photography Vintage women wool yarn
Today it is close to 80 degrees with hazy blue skies and gusty winds; tomorrow it will go below freezing and we will have snow. This should be interesting. It is amazing to see how quickly things start growing with the least provocation ... show them one warmish day, sprinkle on a bit of rain and lovely green sprouts start peeking out all over the lawn. They are not likely to be discouraged by tomorrow's snowfall, spring is here to stay. This weekend I cast off my new lace shawl and wet blocked it. Now I am adding a bit...
A spring full of creativity
art country life country living culture family friends gifts home inspiration knitting Life needle felting shopping thoughts travel women yarn
We have been very busy, very productive. Last week I was not able to blog because I was working all out, day in and day out to prepare two full-color two-sided brochures for the now annual Artists of The Oak Art Trail the last Saturday of August. This is the third year that our artist group has organized and held our own Art Trail event. The first two years we worked with a local arts organization but this year we have struck out on our own. My husband and I are the Art Trail organizers, and I felt strongly that...