I live on a farm ... — agriculture
New life on the farm
agriculture art autumn colors blogging country living culture family farm farm life farming free knitting patterns gardening green health home inspiration knitting Lace Shawl Knitting Life love marriage personal photography relationships shopping thoughts travel Upstate New York women yarn
This summer was a very busy season around our farm. We are in the midst of converting our farmland from leased cash-crop acreage to pasture managed by us. That might sound simple enough but it requires cutting, mowing, fencing, draining, digging, and budgeting, planning, etc. and not necessarily in that order. We are hosting a small herd of Black Angus cattle and have so far fenced in 12 acres of land for grazing. Over the next few years we plan to expand the fenced in land to 40 acres and the herd to 40. So, that has been exciting. Now that we...
We are makers of things
agriculture art blogging country life culture Cyber Monday faith family flowers friends friendship gardening gifts home inspiration knitting Life love photography shopping women
Hello. I have been away ... at home. Enjoying life, working out of doors on flowers and vegetables; working in doors on many new things including books (writing, as well as making actual physical books), making pendant necklaces using prints from my photography and paintings, clearing out and rearranging various rooms in our home in search of a new studio space to create for my creative endeavors, cooking, baking, organizing and participating in our annual Art Trail Festival, resting, reading, studying, ... living. I received an email a while back from Martha Stewart with this as the subject line, "Are you a...
Gathering up the wild things, 2011
agriculture art Christmas country life country living culture family farm life Holidays home inspiration knitting Life love marriage photography relationships shopping travel Vintage women
This is what I see today, as I look out the window of my studio writing. Though I didn't shoot that photograph today or this year, it is pretty close to what I see out there right now. Just imagine the same scene with darker clouds and a steady rain, and you will see what I am seeing right now. What is the weather like where you are? How has the season evolved in your corner of the world so far? A couple of days ago my husband and I did the coolest thing: I noticed over the past few...
A perfect little piece of sunshine
4th of July agriculture children country life country living culture faith family farm friends gardening home inspiration knitting knitting for babies Life love personal photography socks spirituality summer travel women yarn
Every year, right about the 4th of July, our wild raspberries start turning from pale red to deep, almost black purple. At first you just see one here or there, then the next day another three or four. And it builds that way until suddenly there are shiny purple wild raspberries in such abundance that you can't pick them fast enough to eat, preserve, bake and so forth. Our started turning a little bit early this year, but they are turning slowly day by day. Our baby grand-daughter got her first opportunity to stand in front of the berry canes...
Hostas, my vista baby
agriculture art country life country living culture faith family farm flowers gardening home inspiration knitting Life love marriage personal photography Photos relationships romance shopping summer travel Upstate New York women
Do you remember when I wrote about planting hostas back in June of 2008? Well, take a look at how those hostas have grown. There are plenty more around the house in various locations, but those we planted by this old, quaint but out-of-use back porch came in with gusto this year. Since planting them, I have often seen other folks' hostas, some quite huge and lush and longed for ours to attain such grandeur. Imagine my delight when I looked outside one morning after many days of rain and saw how wonderful abundant our hosta display had become. This...