Today is Blue Friday for two reasons, 1) it is a gorgeously beautiful day with a deep blue sky and plenty of white fluffy clouds, and 2) I am not feeling well so have already taken two naps today and wishing for several more if only I could find the time.
At a minimum, I need to announce the winner of the July Sock Yarn Give Away ... so here goes. Her name is "Debby", and she left this comment to my gratitude challenge:
Our lives seemed to crash as we lost half of our retirement, all of the equity in our home and my husband’s job. As a result we gained something money can’t buy and that is a closeness we had lost somewhere along the way. For that I express deep gratitude.
I sent an email notification to her a few days ago but have not heard back yet. I am posting photos over on my Facebook page of the two colorways she gets to choose from, if you are interested.
My, but August in New York is a beautiful time of year for the sky. We saw an article in a local paper last week mentioning that the apple crop this year would be two weeks earlier than usual and the apples will be sweeter because we have had such a warm summer with plenty of sunshine. With that news, I can hardly wait to buy a half-bushel from our favorite local grower and get started making apple preserves. Of course, first I have to get a half bushel (at least) of peaches and get enough peach preserves for the year made up. Last year I put ginger in my peach preserves and they came out especially good, this year ... we'll have to see what I am inspired to do.
Knitting: I knitted my first swatch in quite some time this week. Little Sweet Pea is at that age where she is keeping all of our hands full, so finding a little bit of quiet time to do some knitting has been non-existent this entire year. However, I did get my swatch knitted up from the Rhoda colorway that Kimber created and released back in June. It is a lovely colorway, and it looked even prettier knitted into a swatch. Sadly, I unravelled the swatch after taking essential measurements and I forgot to photograph it for you.
This weekend I plan to cast on my new pair of socks, so within a few days I should have a meaningful photograph or two to show you what I am up to, as far as knitting goes.
Art: Two weeks from tomorrow (28 Aug) I will participate in the Orleans County Art Trail sponsored by GoArt. We will actually be hosting several artists here on our farm in plein aire tent studios as a part of the Art Trail. Our friends at Schwenk Wine Cellars might even do a wine tasting here at our place during the event, and I am trying to line up an accordion player to wander around playing as artists paint and viewers view. It should be a lovely day, and you if you are interested in more about it, you will find more information here.
On that note, I must ... away!
Have a beautiful evening, and a beautiful weekend.