I thought I heard a baby bird chirping outside my upstairs office window, but I was wrong. It is a windy, blustery day and there must be a piece of metal scraping or something that is making the little sound.
Many birds are out and about these days, however. We continue to get more snow, but there are warmer days in between when some melting occurs so the birds are getting ready for spring. It was very noticable when, one snowy morning as I walked around shooting photos, I heard birds singing everywhere. For weeks, no birds calling, then suddenly there are so many.
This morning as I had my tea and breakfast, knitting for a bit in the livingroom, dark morning became early dawn and I realized it was snowing quite hard outside. Now the snow has stopped and is replaced by strong gusts of wind. I hear the roar come and go through the trees around our home, and against the house.
I am knitting my spring hat now, and it is nearly complete. Later in the week I'll tell you more about the yarn I am using. As a matter of fact, it is one of the yarns I will have available in the new Yarn Shop I'm building at the I Live on a Farm website. The Yarn Shop will be open later this week, I'm just a wee bit too tired to get it all completed today.
I completed two paintings this weeked: one was the boathouse painting I displayed a few weeks ago. I had a few more details to put in on the boat in the painting, so I did that and will be shipping the painting off to my son this week. The other completed painting is a gray scale study I did of a rhododendron flower. I worked from a photograph I shot last May of a one of several rhododendrons I found growing in our yard all of a sudden one morning not long after I first came to live on the farm.
I had never seen rhododendrons before, and was amazed how the nine-inch span of the glorious pink flowers. If you would like to see the painting, I have a separate blog dedicated to my paintings and you can view it there.
As promised, I am publishing the patterns for the baby gift bag set this morning. My time this morning is very limited, so I will have to provide more info later in the week regarding the source for the baby soap and rubber duckie.
I'll catch up with you a bit later in the week. Meanwhile, hope you have wonderful day,