Yum and ouch ... that's what I have to say about last night's Ice Cream Social.
Yum: Raspberry sauce, blueberry sauce, strawberry sauce, fresh chopped local peaches, hot caramel, hot fudge, chopped salty peanuts, whipped cream, ten-ounce blocks of french vanilla ice cream.
Ouch: Ten-ounces of ice cream is a heck of a lot of ice cream even without some of each topping. I still feel full.
The fund raiser went better than we thought it would, and instead of raising $300 for the classrooms at the church, they raised more like about $500. It rained early in the day, but no rain during the "social". The person who was supposed to grill the hotdogs was delayed due to a new job he landed and started yesterday, so I volunteered to grill the dogs. My husband cooked the corn on the cob outdoors in turkey cookers, and I was nearby manning the hot dog grill. There were many hats to be worn and we got in plenty of exercise ... all of us, not just my husband and I. Joy, fellowship, and bushels of goodwill abounded. It was a perfect day in the country participating in a perfectly country activity.
Dorothy brought buckets of flowers from her garden and made arrangements in lovely little baskets to set on all of the tables. When the evening was over, she gave the flowers away to any of the women who helped so we each would have a bouquet to take home. She also brought each of us a musk mellon picked fresh that day from vines her husband planted. I haven't ever had a musk mellon that I know of, but tonight that will change.
I was not able to knit at all yesterday, but I do have a gorgeously sweet throw my daughter crocheted for me to share. It is her design and craftsmanship, so I am getting her to tell me the directions so I can prepare a pattern for anyone interested. This little throw is lighter than air and the little green bows on it add a touch of sweetness that I treasure, coming from my daughter to me.
When my husband gets home we have to run over to the church to take down the big tent from the Ice Cream Social, and meanwhile I have work to get caught up on for a client. So I must end off for now.
Wishing you the best ...