As promised, I wrote up the directions for the holiday Itty Bag I made a couple of days ago. I started a patterns page on my site, where I will post free patterns as I have them available.
A little while ago I was walking through the kitchen and noticed fog in the corn fields out back. This is a new kind of fog for me, a low lying fog that eminates from the ground or from the crops ... I don't remember which. In Los Angeles we often had fog that would roll in from the ocean. Of course I loved it because I love weather ... weather is something I have plenty of opportunities to enjoy here on the farm. When I saw the crop fog (my husband tells it is called "condensation fog") I grabbed the camera, stepped into a pair of my husbands yard boots, slipped into his very warm plush lined wind breaker jacket and went out to capture the fog.
It was disappearing rapidly at that point, so the photography shoot this morning was a bit of a dud. However, I did catch a nice glimpse of the corn from a low angle. That corn is so tall now; it appears to be quite proud to be corn, with golden tassles up top saluting the morning sun.
It was rainy and cool here all weekend, and we spent most of our time just enjoying each other's company and being a bit lazy. I was working out a pattern for the scarf I will be making from the Lavendar Mix Ultra Alpaca I bought last week ... many, many attempts with various stitches results in a final decision to use a Basket Weave pattern bordered by seed stitch on either side.
By the time I settled on that and got started, I was only able to get about six inches completed before bedtime on Sunday night. When I got up this morning and looked at my work I saw some strange mistakes. Unfortunately I believe I will have to take it apart and start all over again. I wasn't working in very good light and had more attention on my husband and our conversation than on my knitting. That is as it should be, but for some reason the part of my mind and body that manages knitting while doing other things was not doing very well. Rarely do I frog, but that's about all I have been doing the past couple of days.
Oh well .. .that's life. Sometimes you knit, sometimes you frog.
Hope your knitting goes well today and this week.