The nearest village is nine miles from here, the largest good-sized town is thirty minutes away, and the closest city is an hour away. The likelihood of my being able to find a satisfying yarn store within reasonable and affordable driving distance to home is slim at best. I love shopping online, and always have so now I just have to develop a love of shopping for yarn online. I've done it twice now since moving here and so far it is working out well.
Yesterday the Berroco Ultra Alpaca I ordered earlier in the week arrived; packaged very aesthetically and delightful to open. In the upper photo is Lavendar Mix I ordered to make myself a winter scarf and mittens. To the right are the skeins for the stocking I will knit for my husband before Christmas ... Winter White and Cardinal. I chose Cardinal not only because it is a holiday red, but also because the cardinal we have living here on our farm is one of my husband's favorite birds. That little cardinal will hang around during the winter and keep us company with his sweet voice. Sometime I plan to figure out how to spell the noise he makes phonetically so I pass on his messages via my blog.
Just now I hear a few Canadian geese sqwaking as they do a fly by. I love the sound of geese echoing along the river by the farm. My husband tells me that each year a flock of Canadian geese come and stay on our farm because we have a swampy area back behind our willow where they like to hang out. Plus there is the corn out in the field which for some reason the farmer who rents the land from us doesn't harvest until far too late in the year. Not sure why he does that, but the geese certainly enjoy the food from what I'm told. This fellow who rents land from us evidently comes from a farming family but with him it didn't "take" 100% and so he isn't particularly good at it. It had not occurred to me before I moved here that someone could be a lifelong farmer and not actually be very good at it, but there you have it.
My holiday itty bag will be complete sometime tomorrow and by Monday I will post directions for the itties for anyone interested.
Right now I have to end off because I have several hours of work ahead of me planning a market research campaign for a client and I need to get myself into my zone in order to complete the project today.
Oh, but I want very much to thank Wendy for using my "Weird is the New Normal" line for her title, and giving me credit plus the link. The traffic has been much enjoyed and appreciated; my gratitude is most sincere.
Best wishes to you for a fine day.